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“Best Anti-Pollution Skincare Brand 2020 - Hong Kong” by LUXLife

It gives me great pleasure to announce that this year, OSCO Natural & Organic has been awarded:
“Best Anti-Pollution Skincare Brand 2020 - Hong Kong” by LUXLife in the UK.

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【How was OSCO Natural & Organic chosen?】
“Our merit led process to establish winners' spanned over three months as our research team carefully gathered and analysed information from the public domain including; client/ customer testimonials, product ranges, treatments and formulations. Your submission of supporting information was also carefully considered and compared to the findings of our research team in order to establish your company as one of the very best that the $4.2 trillion Health, Beauty & Wellness industry has to offer.” LUXlife stated.

【About LUXlife】
LUXlife informs readers on all aspects of high-end lifestyle, including the finest, food and drink, hotels and resorts, health and beauty, automotive, jewellery, art and technology from around the world.

【About The Health, Beauty and Wellness Awards】
Launched to determine and recognise the best of these companies, creating a supplement brimming with world-leading products, services and experts.

Thank you LUXlife and all the judges. And thank you so much for all your support!! We are really grateful for this! We will continue to do our best and provide excellent service and products for you to help you become confident, protected and healthy in a polluted environment.


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